Section: Software


Continuation of M3N

A large part of the software currently in use in the project-team was initiated and developed within former projects (Menusin, M3N).


Participants : Dirk Drasdo [correspondent] , Stefan Höhme [Research Associate, University of Leipzig] , Adrian Friebel [PhD student, University of Leipzig] , Tim Johann [Software Engineer, University of Leipzig] , Nick Jagiella [PhD student] .

Computer simulation software for image analysis of tissue samples at histological scales, as well as individual cell (agent)-based models of tumour and tissue growth solved either by systems of coupled equations of motion for each individual cell or by Kinetic Monte Carlo methods [56] .

The software CellSys is currently been completely reorganised to permit easier use by external and internal researchers. The idea is to perspectively go open-source and offer consultancy for potential users.